Sunday 30 August 2009


After a good 12 months away from salsa, I decided to have a second crack of the salsa whip! I had a good 12 months at it previously but found it got monotonous and fell out of love with it, whilst I was learning step, I wasn't retaining them too well, which the normal salsa practice of partner swapping doesn't help. I also found at 27 I was one of the youngest at the lessons and a lack of young partners also affected my attitude towards it.

However, on Friday night, complete with a new salsa partner, we took off to Copacabana in Manchester. Having never danced salsa together before, and both having a considerable time away from dancing salsa, we took a basic lesson which was actually very good as the teacher really focussed on foot and weight technique, which I've never experienced at the start before. He also only went through the very basic salsa steps, which I'd never covered particularly thoroughly before either.

Much to my surprise I really enjoyed it! It does help having a partner who is close in age though and ability, oh who can remember steps very quickly too! That always lets me down with dancing, remembering steps quickly. I tend to get the com,plex ones but get baffled by simple ones.

I'm now hoping that we will be able to salsa together regularly as we got a comment from the teacher about our good movement ... yes it caused the odd giggle!! I am going to look for a salsa class where you don't have to switch partners as I find it much better to learn with the same one until you have a lot of experience (and so does she). Many people prefer swapping partners at salsa, because if one of the couple gets it they may be able to help the other, however after having the same partner for ballroom and latin for over 3 years, I am rather used to not changing and like it that way!

I think this time round I may be able to reach my potential at salsa, which never happened before, admittedly because I lacked a lot of confidence at it, but learning simple steps from the beginning and with a much more suitable partner good salsa things could happen!

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